My Symptoms: I have sadly run out of my sample bottles of Diclegis and woke up this morning vomiting again. It happened 4 times before I was able to go pick up my refill of Zofran. The Diclegis isn't covered by insurance and is WAY WAY expensive, so I'm crossing my fingers that this is the last bottle of Zofran that I will need this pregnancy!
Hormones are definitely in full swing. I seem to cry at everything these days. Luke turns 1 tomorrow and I cried talking to him this morning about it.
I have been getting SO dizzy. There was one day where I seriously thought something might be really wrong. I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to fall over.
I'll get random cramps here and there. Nothing too bad though!
Weight: I stepped on our scale in the bathroom and it hasn't changed. So, it looks like I haven't gained any weight since my last weigh in.
Gender: Chloe now thinks the baby is a boy... which is a big surprise to me. She's been the one saying that if the baby isn't a girl, she won't be a happy camper. (Obviously I know she'll be smitten either way!)
Maternity Clothes: YES! My parents bought me a few new tops and a pair of pants for my birthday coming up and it was greatly appreciated! I already wore one of the new shirts :)
Movement: I don't feel it as much as I'd like, but I know that's because my placenta is anterior. As baby starts to get bigger, it will become more and more consistent. I do love when I feel this sweet one move though!
Sleep: The girls have been coming into our room so much lately and I don't have the energy to move them. So it's been a cramped bed. Between that and getting up to use the restroom, sleep is becoming a thing of the past. (Not that I've had much sleep this past year anyway!)
Cravings: The cravings are pretty much the same with the salads. They're just so good to me! I've been letting myself indulge in pumpkin spice lattes lately and I am counting down until it's time for my favorite... the EGGNOG LATTE! Not too much longer!
What I Miss: I am still missing Disney World like crazy and am waiting to hear if Josh will be able to take a few days off in November. Oh how I'd love to get a trip down there before baby is born!
Best Moments of the Week: I made a hair appointment for next weekend! Y'all, I haven't had my hair colored since July of last summer. So, well over a year. I'm think I'm due for it, what about you? I'm thinking I want to just stay darker with a few natural highlights all over to give it dimension. I've been getting some ideas on Pinterest. I just want to keep it simple so it's easy to keep up with!
Questions/Concerns: I need to bring up the dizziness to my midwife again when I see her next week. I'm hoping she'll be able to grab me a few more sample bottles of Diclegis to have on hand at home, too.
Goals for the Week: Keep up with my workouts! Make sure I'm drinking tons of water and to stay on top of my supplements.