Baby Growth: Baby now measures about 5 long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 5 ounces. The skeleton is changing from cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. Baby can move the joints and the sweat glands are starting to develop.
My Symptoms: I'm actually starting to finally feel better! LeeAnn gave me sample bottles of Diclegis at my last appointment to try since the Zofran didn't seem to be cutting it anymore. I take this new medication at night along with 150mg of Zantac and I've actually been waking up feeling so much better! I'm not 100%, but it's such a huge improvement! I don't have to wake up and throw up anymore and that has been such a relief! If I never throw up again the rest of my life, I'll be completely happy with that! :)
I haven't really had many headaches this week, so that's been a nice change as well. I seem to be getting a bit of energy back, but am still lacking any motivation to deep clean this house!
Weight: I went up 1 lb this past month. So, I'm staying right on track and am proud of myself!
Gender: This week I've been getting girly vibes. Chloe desperately wants a little sister and talks about the baby being a girl constantly, so maybe that's why? Either way, we just want a happy and healthy baby!
Maternity Clothes: YES! I bought a maternity sweater type hoodie from Target last week and it's so comfy! I want to go back and grab it in the other colors because I know it's something I'll wear a lot in the coming months. I'm still looking for a cute pair of jeans!
Movement: It's not consistent by any means yet and I found out it's because my placenta is sitting anterior... of course! Luke was my only pregnancy where the placenta wasn't sitting up against the top, but I'll take an anterior placenta over complete previa ANY DAY! Thank you Lord!
Sleep: The Diclegis has been making me really sleepy, so I only wake up now when Luke starts to fuss. It's been really nice! I still have to go to bathroom during the night, but I usually just go right after I get Luke back down so I don't wake up any extra.
Cravings: I'm still wanting the southwest salads a lot. And the other night I wanted ice cream so badly, that Josh went out around 9:30 to grab some from the corner store. It really hit the spot!
Other than that, there's nothing really I've been craving and seem to absolutely have to have!
What I Miss: There's nothing I'm really missing this week. Well, I take that back. The big kids started school last week and Chloe started TODAY and I'm constantly wondering what they're doing this very minute and if they're having a fun time!
Best Moments of the Week: I got a surprise ultrasound done yesterday and it was such a treat! Baby honestly looks so big and I will say, I wanted to peek at the gender but I held strong. The surprise is so much fun! I honestly think it's more seeing everyone else's reactions when they find out.
Questions/Concerns: I pretty much had all my concerns answered at the last appointment. I want Chloe to take the sibling class at the hospital and I'm sure Mallory would enjoy it as well, so I called to get the schedule and they told me to call in October when the January schedule would be released. I need to write that down so I can call and get registered! They offer a tour of the L&D unit after the class is over, so that would knock out me needing to schedule a separate tour for myself.
Goals for the Week: Same as last week... Drink more water! Eat more veggies! Exercise as much as I can!
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