We dropped Mallory off at school, quickly brought Luke and then I swung by Starbucks. I started getting nervous since the line was taking forever, but we made it right on time! I love our pediatrician! The office is small and never crowded. Everytime we're there, we're either the only family or one of two families being seen.
We were called back right away. The nurse asked the normal questions and then took her vitals. My kids all love getting their blood pressure checked.
Getting weighed and measured! Today they were celebrating Veterans' Day at school with an assembly, so she was all decked in her Red, White & Blue!
She didn't have to do a vision test this visit since we see an eye doctor yearly. (I need to schedule those appointments!)
Chloe is 42 inches tall (45th percentile) and weighs 34lbs (25th percentile). She has grown a couple of inches since her last well check, but hasn't gone up in weight. Our pedi isn't super concerned with her weight. She's just a naturally TINY girl. She has been pretty picky about food for awhile, so we're going to start doing more smoothies and muffins with veggies snuck in. The doc also mentioned to let her have PediaSure, especially before bed as she won't burn off the calories quickly.
It’s always fun to plug in the kids’ stats into the Baby Center Height Predictor and it says at age 18 Chloe will be 5’4″! I think she'll be a tad smaller, but we'll see!
She's currently wearing 4t pants, but if it wasn't for length, she could easily be in 3t. Girl is tiny! She wears size 4t/5t shirts.
The only vaccine suggested at this visit was her flu shot, but Chloe was super nervous. Dr. A asked her if she'd prefer the Flu Mist and at first she was like, "Ummm I don't know..." but quickly decided on that choice realizing she wouldn't have to have a needle.
She took it like a champ and was like, "That's all?" She was definitely happy they had the mist option this year!
All in all, Chloe had a wonderful appointment! She's a healthy girl!
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